O Δρ. Χρήστος Θελερίτης έχει συνολικά πάνω από 100 δημοσιεύσεις και ανακοινώσεις σε ξένα και ελληνικά επιστημονικά περιοδικά, βιβλία και πρακτικά συνεδρίων.
Ενδεικτικά αναφέρονται:
Παιδοφιλία και διαδίκτυο: Ένας σύγχρονος κίνδυνος.
Η θεωρητική και πρακτική συνεισφορά της γνωσιακής-συμπεριφοριστικής θεραπείας στις παρεμβάσεις που αφορούν παιδόφιλους χρήστες του Διαδικτύου.
Εκδόσεις Ελληνικά Γράμματα, Αθήνα 2006
Βιβλιογραφικές πηγές από το Διαδίκτυο για το θέμα «Παιδοφιλία και Διαδίκτυο».
Ένας σχολιασμένος κατάλογος πηγών για ειδικούς, ενδιαφερόμενους και γονείς.
Εκδόσεις Ελληνικά Γράμματα, Αθήνα 2006
The 1st Regional Mediterranean Conference of International Association of Group Psychotherapy, Zadar, Croatia, August 2001.
- Function differentiation of the frontal lobe of the brain through participation in activities of the therapeutic community “Kypseli”.
- Cytokines: The Mirror of Immune and Psyche Responses.
- Cancer and group-analytic psychotherapy: The dynamic perception of the immune system.
Society for Neuroscience Congress SFN 2001 San Diego USA.
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of parietal and frontal areas before the execution of pointing movements to memorized targets in 2-D space.
Society for Neuroscience Congress SFN 2002 Orlando USA.
- Lack of a “gap effect” in the antisaccade task in schizophrenic patients.
12th European Symposium in Group Analysis, Bologna, Italy, September 2002.
- The contribution of cytokines in the ‘mirror neurones’ function.
- Survival after a car accident. The psychotherapeutic mirroring of psyche trauma through the damaged neurones of the frontal lobe.
- Ethics in the approach of geriatric patients with neuropsychiatric disorders.
- The cultural content of delirium ideas: a group-analytic approach.
Society for Neuroscience Congress SFN 2003, New Orleans, USA.
- The effects of increasing memory load in the accuracy of pointing movements to remembered targets in 2-D space.
Society for Neuroscience Congress SFN 2004 San Diego USA.
- Parallel working memory systems for spatial and serial order information.
8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, June 2005, Vienna Austria.
- Oculomotor task performance in patients with OCD.
- Autoimmune diseases in a schizophrenic patient and his family.
19th Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Paris, September 2006.
- Amisulpride monotherapy for elderly non demented patients with very late-onset schizophrenia-like psychosis.
7th International Forum for Mood and Anxiety Disorders, 5-7 December 2007, Budapest.
- Adverse effect from the combined treatment of a manic patient with pharmacotherapy and rTMS.
XIVth Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorders, Montreux, Switzerland, 3-7 February 2008.
- Verbal memory as a promising endophenotype for schizophrenia.
1st Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference, 21-25 June 2008, Venice Italy.
- Theory of mind as a potential endophenotype of schizophrenia: Understanding mental states from the eyes in families with schizophrenia.
The 8th Maudsley Advanced Forum, 8-12 September 2008, Institute of Psychiatry, London UK.
- Deficits in performance of saccades and anti-saccades in OCD and schizophrenia.
XIV World Congress of Psychiatry, 20-25 September 2008, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Post-traumatic reactions following the recent wildfires in Greece.
Third International Conference on TMS and tDCS, October 1-4 2008, Göttingen, Germany.
- Achieving faster reduction of depressive symptoms, with two rTMS sessions per day.
The 8th International Forum for Mood and Anxiety Disorders, 12-14 November 2008, Vienna Austria.
- Adjunctive use of amisulpride in elderly patients with psychotic depression treated with antidepressants.
12th International Congress on Schizophrenia Research (ICOSR), March 28-April 1, 2009. San Diego, California, USA.
- Larger time variability for basic decision processes in schizophrenia.
WPA International Congress “Treatments in Psychiatry: A New Update”, April 1-4 2009, Florence Italy.
- Applying two Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation sessions per day could help in the faster reduction of depressive symptoms.
Ninth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, 28 June – 2 July 2009, Paris France.
- Amisulpride in the treatment of very late onset schizophrenia.
Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Constantinopole, Turkey, September 2009.
- Adjunctive use of amisulpride on AChs inhibitors therapy for the treatment of psychotic symptoms in patients with Alzheimer disease.